Monday, January 12, 2009

Two Day Trek

Hi Everyone! Sorry for the delay, but we have been busy hanging out outside of Jinghong. We left early Saturday and began our journey up B Mountain. The China countryside is quite beautiful. Five of us were snugly inside the truck owned by our hosts.

The first hour and a half was a smooth ride including a stop to pick up vegetables in case we needed something to cook ourselves while we were out (some small cafes often have an…interesting selection of fares to choose from).

Soon, the paved highway ran out and the next two hours were on a bumpy construction road. It was great! The going was slow, but the laughs and the sights were enjoyable. We drove all the way to the top of B Mountain and checked into a very small motel. We spent the next several hours exploring and wandering through nearby small villages.

We went in some Buddhist temples, spoke with some monks, and had a good time together. As it turns out, the restaurant (if you can call three tables in a garage a restaurant) was quite good and we found ourselves stuffed at the end of the meal. The evening ended with killing spiders in our rooms and a little pinochle.

The next day we took off for another village. We arrived and went to find the family that we were staying with. They were out in their fields for the day, so we parked the truck and explored the village. After an hour or so, we decided to try to find another small village that was not far away.

We had heard that you could drive part of the way and then hike up a narrow winding road for about an hour to reach it. We found the turn off and were parking when some Chinese guys on motorcycles pulled up and told us that we could drive up the road if we wanted. Additionally, they wanted us to take two guys with us and drop them off at the village. Our driver was a little nervous trying to make it up the road. It was really narrow, and had a ton of ruts in it. She asked if any of us would like to try to drive. Jim and I immediately volunteered. Jim hopped in the driver seat, and I hopped in the back with one of the guys we were taking. We made it to the top. Once there, we met a monk who decided he wanted to take us on a guided tour of the village. We got ready to come back down and Jim thought that my trip in the back looked like fun, so he decided to try it for himself. The drive was so much fun, especially when we came upon a broken down motorcycle and had to squeeze by. Additionally, we ended up between a water buffalo and her calf and needless to say, the mom got pretty agitated. We made it safely back down to where we were staying and went for a walk to the local hot spring. After that, we had dinner with our hosts and then were off to bed.

The next morning before leaving, our host family took us to see their fields. It was about a 30 minute walk up and over a hill nearby. The low hanging morning fog made it one of the most awe inspiring things I have ever seen. The joy that our hosts had and the love they expressed for each other and us during our stay clearly demonstrate their love for Father. We made the three hour drive home and feasted on cheeseburgers, fajitas, and coffee. Hope you all are doing well and we will see you soon!

Thursday, January 8, 2009

Spring City

Today we spent the morning before we left for our final destination exploring the city.

After enjoying the wonderful breakfast spread, including pork dim-sum and roast duck, at our ridiculously nice hotel, we were off!

We wandered through some side streets and construction areas until we came to a small shop called Hearts and Hands. This shop was created by a couple of doctors as a place to employ Chinese people with disabilities, such as deafness. We each bought a few small items in support of those people, plus their merchandise was awesome!

A few shops down the same group had started a western coffee shop and bakery for the same purpose (employing those who cannot get help or employment due to disabilities) where we bought coffee and some munchies for our flight.

This shop also sells an assortment of western foods and you'll never believe what we found. Oregon blueberries in a can. I took a picture because it was so funny!

After our refueling, we were wandering back towards our hotel and stumbled upon a pet market. Or, well, I'm telling myself it was a pet market. It was a market that was primarily vendors of dogs, fish, and turtles. Also fruit plants and furniture. Andrew and I saw a bed frame that was to die for, and you'd have to since it cost-gag- 70,000+ american dollars! It certainly was beautiful though.

Among the list of, at least from our perspective, random sights: homemade sausage hanging out to dry. Jim and I thought that it was so funny, we had to get a photo. While we were trying to take them, a Chinese lady walked by and started laughing at us. Stupid Americans I guess!

The last stop before we left town was a furniture store across the street from our hotel. It looked like a Chinese version of IKEA. Intriguing? I think so! Here's a picture of Andrew on the PINKEST couch I've ever seen! (Lauren and Hannah, this one's for you!)

After exploring the city we packed up and headed to the airport, this time just with Rachel. Paul had to attend some meetings, so we parted ways.

We got to the airport and through security just in time to board the flight. Our flight was full of small children on their way home for the new year holiday (remember the Chinese New Year is in the end of January). So that made the flight entertaining to say the least!

Finally arrived in Jinghong! It is beautiful and mid-70's here. The air and weather are exactly like I remember Hawaii. Complete with palm trees! When I stepped off the plane Andrew turned to me and said, "It's done. Were moving here." And I have to admit, it would be a great climate to live in.

We headed to the coffee shop that Rachel, Paul and their friend and families run. After checking in to our accommodations (again, SUPER nice and has a western toilet!) we walked back down the street to the coffee shop.

Seriously some of the best coffee I've had anywhere! We had an early dinner and spent most of the evening getting to know our hosts. They were telling us all about the people group we are going to see on Saturday and their efforts to help create a written language for them. Truly amazing efforts.

Around 8 everyone started heading for home. The kids had school the next day and needed to rest. Andrew, Jim, and I headed out to a local night market to check it out. It was fun and simultaneously hilarious. Of the near 50 stalls there were probably only 10 unique ones. It seemed that every 4th stall or so was a copy of one we had seen already. Crazy but fun.

After that we hit the sack, it had been a loooooooong day. Tomorrow we will be checking out the sites of Jinghong in the local manner, from the seat of a bike! Then Saturday we will head out to the village on the mountain. Looking forward to telling you more! Love you all.

Wednesday, January 7, 2009

Arrived . . . again!

What a day! Let me just tell you, China is one adventure after another!

After crashing around 10:30 last night Andrew and I woke up around 4:45 am . . . wide awake. I think that this crazy time change has temporarily turned me to the dark side. Yes, in China I am a morning person! Hard to believe, but true.

After the early rising, we cleaned up, here was adventure 1. In our hotel the shower is literally next to the toilet with no separation between the two. This was different, but not as disturbing as I thought it would be. So we re-packed and were in the lobby to catch our 6:30 shuttle to the airport.

Begin adventure 2: the shuttle. Our shuttle driver had an interesting take on how best to maneuver through the city. His method: honk and everyone will move, don't slow down and only stop if you absolutely have to. It was so fun (and no, I'm not saying this sarcastically, it really was highly amusing)!

At the airport checking in was a breeze, then we hung out in the airport for a couple of hours before catching our 3+ hour flight to the next city. This flight was pretty uneventful. Although they did serve us breakfast: dim-sum. Really awesome.

Start adventure 3. After arriving in the "spring city" we were taken for a ride in a taxi (and I do mean that in both senses of the saying, it was a roundabout kind of ride) with the two people we were meeting here, Rachel and Paul.

Once we settled in the hotel (WAY nice, check out the photos!) we walked around the city to a local coffee shop (weird I know, but good coffee!) that also served soup and pizza. We got a chance to talk over lunch and find out more about what Rachel and Paul and Paul's family are working on in their city. We will head there tomorrow and are so excited!

After walking around the city for the rest of the afternoon and evening, it was time for adventure 4. We were finally taken to an authentic Chinese meal: hotpot and jiaozi. SO good, although the fish heads in the hotpot were a little intimidating :). I was excited that we were not eating western food though, so I didn't mind.

So we now have finally been able to get some of our pictures, so please check them out! Let us know if you have any questions or fun comments! We love you all, till the next time, good night!

Tuesday, January 6, 2009


We made it to Beijing!  We are tired and a little jet lagged but not too worse for the wear.

The 12.5 hour flight from Seattle to Beijing was horribly turbulent for the first hour.  And me (Michelle), genius that I am, forgot to take my motion sickness pill.  Needless to say, after that first bad hour I had on a fresh shirt and had managed to keep down the medicine long enough for it to take effect.

Well . . . I never plan to forget that medicine again.

After our arrival, James' friend Jeff met us at the airport and followed us to our hotel.  "The Beijing 100% Perfect Hotel" (no joke, this really is the name of our hotel!) though not perfect, is perfectly adequate.  Don't worry, pictures to follow.

Then Jeff offered to take us to get a bite to eat, after all it's 7pm here (though it feels like 3am).  One guess as to where we go.  That's right. Chinese McDonald's.  Ordering was fun, they took one look at us and pulled out the dumb American picture menu.  All I can say it thank goodness Jeff was there because they almost gave Andrew diet Coke.  THAT would have been a disaster!

Now we're sitting in Jeff and J.J.'s (J.J. is Jeff's wife) living room having wonderful conversation and hearing many fun stories about China.  I cannot wait to reach our final destination tomorrow.  So there will be more to come, but for now I will sign off.  Good night (or more correctly for you, good morning) America!

Sunday, January 4, 2009

Here We Go!

We are sitting in a motel room in Portland and watching it snow out the window. Yes, I said snow and I am just as shocked as you are! The night before a trip is always a little crazy for me (p.s. this is Andrew writing). Did I forget anything? Did I pack too much? Double check what time the flight leaves. Make sure the tickets and passports are EXACTLY where I think they get the idea. There is a certain amount of stress that comes with traveling, and yet I know that everything will work out. Time and time again the Maker has proven this to me and I know that this trip will be no different.

As with every trip that takes me outside of my normal context I find myself wondering what I will see and experience. In what ways will my worldviews be challenged? How will I come back a different person? These are all important things, but most of all I am filled with a sense of excitement. China is a fascinating place and I am eager to go back and even more eager to get to experience it with Michelle for the first time. Things never go exactly as you have planned on trips and I am looking forward to our adventure together.

Until next time,

Wednesday, December 31, 2008

Testing . . . 1 . . . 2

Testing blog email


Well, the new year is here (almost). While usually that is a very exciting time, this year it's exciting for a completely different reason.


We leave in T-minus 5 days (and counting!) This will be Andrew's third trip to the East, but for me it is my maiden voyage!

If you want to keep up on our adventures and crazy stories, this page is the place to do it. We will be trying to post once a day and include photos if possible.

Stay tuned, the main program is about to start . . . !